Common page elements
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At a glance: Find your way around the OX platform, starting with the elements that are visible on every page.
The OX platform is organized into pages, providing detailed security data from various vantage points and allowing you to streamline and automate your response. Other pages allow you to customize the system to work precisely according to your organization's requirements. Surrounding this primary page content, several elements are common to every page, allowing you to navigate the system, customize your view, and see a top-level summary.
Issue count: The number of issues in each top severity category.
Click on each number to go directly to the Issues page, filtered by the issues in that severity category.
What you're protecting: On the header bar itself, you'll see the number of developers contributing code to the repos you've connected to OX, but there's much more to this summary than initially meets the eye. Just hover over the number of developers to see:
The number of repositories detected and scanned in the last scan
The number of discovered systems, including:
Infrastructure systems (including source control systems like Git, CI/CD systems, cloud providers, etc.)
Security tools deployed by your organization (including SCA tools, static analysis scanners, PII and secret scanners, etc.)
OX's proprietary security tools (deployed automatically to complete your security coverage)
Security policies, including:
The number of policy rules currently active in your organization
The number of additional policy rules that could be activated, given the infrastructure systems and security tools that you've deployed
View selector: You can view issues related to all of the organization's applications or limit your view to issues only for applications with specific owners.
Date selector: By default, the date filter displays a week's worth of data. You can shorten or lengthen this timeframe based on your needs.
The date filter does not affect your view of your development chain's current status (including applications, artifacts, and issues – regardless of when they were first discovered).
The history filter does affect the length of time shown for any OX page or component that displays history (for example, the Issue trend chart on the Dashboard, or the Pipeline Summary and Pipeline Issues pages).
Organization selector: Select the organization you want to view.
Why don't I see this? No worries, most users won't. You'll only see this selector if your user is connected to multiple organizations.
Scan now: Use this button to start an immediate scan of your organization. In most cases, this isn't necessary, since OX automatically scans your organization daily.
Action buttons:
User icon: Click here to create a new organization, check out what's new in OX, or log out of the system.
Available pages include:
Audit logs
Send feedback, ask for help, request info, and more.
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Side navigation menu: Use this menu to navigate the whole OX system. By default, the menu is collapsed (icons only). Use the button to expand it to include the page names.