Create an organization

At a glance: Create an account and an organization, then it's time to explore how we can secure your software supply chain. You can use our demo data to get acquainted, or you can jump right in and connect your own repositories.


If you've received an email invitation to join an OX organization, you can skip this article and create your account by accepting the invitation.

If you're trying out OX on your own or if you're the person setting up OX for your company, follow these steps to get connected:

1: Create your OX account and organization

To create an OX account and organization:

  1. Go to and click the Login button at the top-right corner of the screen.

  2. In the dialog, click Sign up.

  3. From the Create your account dialog, select the method you want to use to create your account:

    • Google (requires an existing Google account)

    • GitHub (requires an existing GitHub account)

      • Note: Choosing this option does not connect your GitHub repositories to OX.

    • Email address and password

      1. Enter an email address where you can receive mail.

      2. Create a password that meets the requirements displayed in the dialog.

      3. Click Continue.

      4. Check your email inbox for a verification email. Click the link in the email.

  4. OX creates your organization and prompts you to connect a code repository.

    • If you want to change the organization name, you can do it here. Or you can change it later from the Settings page.

  5. Follow the instructions in section 2a or 2b, below:

    • If you want to explore using the demo data before connecting your repositories, follow the steps in section 2a. – OR –

    • If you'd rather get started with OX using your own data, skip section 2a and follow the steps in section 2b to connect your repositories.

2a: Load demo data

To load the demo data:

  1. From the dialog, click the Alternatively try the OX Demo link.

  2. OX loads and scans the demo data and opens the Dashboard (this takes a minute or two).

Congratulations! You're ready to start exploring OX using the demo data.

2b: Connect your repositories

If your repositories are located on a source control platform other than the 4 available in this dialog:

  1. Click X to close the dialog.

  2. In the Choose your environment setup dialog that appears, click Connect manually.

  3. The Connectors page will open, allowing you to select your source control platform from all the available OX-supported options.

To connect your repositories, follow the instructions in the tab below for your source control platform:

There are 3 authorization options available for GitHub:

  • OX GitHub app (default)

  • GitHub identity provider

  • GitHub access token

To select an option and connect:

  1. Select your authorization option:

    1. To use the OX GitHub app (the default option), click Connect and follow the prompts.

    2. To use the GitHub identity provider:

      • Click the arrow to open the Other authorization options dropdown.

      • Select Use git identity provider and follow the prompts to sign in and authorize OX.

    3. To use a GitHub access token:

      • Click the arrow to open the Other authorization options dropdown.

      • Select Use git access token.

        • Enter the git host URL. Note: By default, OX enters the GitHub SaaS URL ( If you use a self-hosted git installation (GitHub Enterprise Server), replace it with your local git URL.

        • Follow the displayed instructions for generating a GitHub access token and paste it into the Token field.

        • Click Connect.

  2. From the displayed list, select the repositories you want OX to monitor and protect.

    • By default, all detected repositories are selected. You can check/uncheck options according to your preference.

    • Check the Monitor all newly created repos option if you want OX to begin monitoring any future repos automatically upon their creation.

  3. Click Continue.

OX starts a scan of the selected repos and opens the Dashboard.

Congratulations! You're ready to start using OX.

Note: If you have repositories on other source control platforms, you can connect them anytime from the Connectors page.

Last updated

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